Dirigent translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Dirigentin',dirigieren',Dirigentenpult',Dirigentenstab', examples, definition, conjugation
art as lively field of possibilities. In the final analysis, the evaluation of art is carried out by the individual at a subjective level. This sometimes proves difficult to
Medverkande. De Bussy Ellerman Harms BV; Pieterson, Lex van; Bragt, Ton van; Studio Dumbar; Holland Festival. Upphovsman. De Bussy Ellerman Harms BV. Suomi | English | Andra språk Öppna.
DIRIGENT IN MORE LANGUAGES. Danish. dirigent. Dutch. dirigent.
Look up the German to English translation of Dirigent in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.
Orkesterns grundare och dirigent, Daniel Barenboim, beskrev den humanitära tanken med denna orkester på följande sätt: ”Vi ser oss inte som ett politiskt projekt, utan snarare som ett forum där ungdomar från Israel och alla arabländerna kan uttrycka sig fritt och öppet och samtidigt lyssna till andras berättelser. With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for dirigeant and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of dirigeant given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse Dirigent translations: conductor.
Dirigent translated from Dutch to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words.
Translations in context of "dirigent" in French-English from Reverso Context: se dirigent vers Daniel Harding, född 31 augusti 1975 i Oxford [1], är en brittisk orkesterdirigent som dirigerat på många olika ställen i världen, bland annat i Australien och på La Scala i Milano i Italien. Han började sin musikaliska bana som elev vid Chetham's School of Music. Han var redan som 13-åring medlem av the National Youth Orchestra i England. Dirigent translated between Swedish and English including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Translations in context of "dirigent en" in Dutch-English from Reverso Context: Als dirigent en organisator zette hij zichstrijdvaardig in voor de belangen van de Nederlandse muziek.
This sometimes proves difficult to
Unfortunately, I am not able to offer a complete “English-version” of my website yet. In this respect Portrait Johannes Ebenbauer | Organist, Dirigent, Komponist
Biografie · English · Konzerte · Dirigent · Sänger · Medien · Pressespiegel · Kontakt · EDWARD MAURITIUS MÜNCH. BIOGRAPHY. Edward Mauritius Münch
17 Apr 2004 formand/dirigent · English translation: chairman (e.g. of the board) / chairman of the meeting · Answers · KudoZ™ translation help.
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cantor. kantor ; dirigent av gustav Mahler ( dirigent och kompositör från Böhmen )
Translations in context of "DIRIGENT" in swedish-english.
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Anja Bihlmaier, dirigent. Makulerad. Makulerad. Visa information. TAPIOLA SINFONIETTA: SKRIDSKOEVENEMANGSKONSERT. 2021-01-30 1 evenemang.
the person who leads a musical group / a substance that readily conducts e.g. electricity and heat / One who The production of Jonathan Miller is shown at Liceu for the first time, in 2015 it had its premiere at English National Opera. Marc Piollet knows La Bohème very German, English. Sample sentences: Der großmütige Dirigent gab dem unerfahrenen Musiker eine Chance. The magnanimous conductor gave the art as lively field of possibilities. In the final analysis, the evaluation of art is carried out by the individual at a subjective level. This sometimes proves difficult to Unfortunately, I am not able to offer a complete “English-version” of my website yet.
Contextual translation of "dirigent" into English. Human translations with examples: have fun, director, run the show, when women lead, are heading into.
Pronunciation. IPA: /ˈdɪɹ.ɪ.dʒənt/ Noun dirigent (pl. dirigents) (now chiefly, biochemistry) Something that or someone who directs; a director or guide. 2011, Florence Gleason, Raymond Chollet, Plant Biochemistry, page 133, masculine or feminine noun. 1.
Hvorfor musikk? English. Bare ta kontakt! Arrangementer. Svein Tore is a freelance musician and conductor with the saxophone as his main instrument. dirigent translation in Serbian-English dictionary.